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15 Jul 2024
Bg : John Doe

Kuroh Fish Maw, Not Expensive But Still Useful

Kuroh Fish Maw, Not Expensive But Still Useful

Kuroh fish or kurau fish is the common name for a group of marine fish belonging to the family Polynemidae. It spreads in tropical waters, is silvery in color and lives in groups. Kuroh species can be found at high tides but not too high, and usually in fairly clear water conditions. Kuroh is an important fisherman's catch and is popular as an angler's fish.

Kurohs generally have an elongated torpedo-like body, with an inferior type of mouth, located below the snout. The hard-fingered dorsal fin is located at the front, separated from the soft-fingered dorsal fin at the rear. The caudal fin is deeply fanned, indicating that these fish are fast and agile swimmers. The pectoral fins are distinctive, divided into two parts; the upper one is regular, normal to how the pectoral fins of a typical fish are. However, the lower one is divided into 3-7 long tufts similar to a short whip. Through these tufts, the Kuro fish is distinguished from other similar fish.

1.1 Kuroh Fish

The species present in Indonesia is the Senangin species, Eleutheronrma tetradactylum, which is usually found in the coastal Indian Ocean, from the Persian Gulf to Australia. The genus Eleutheronema tridactylum is common in Southeast Asia, Thailand, and Indonesia. There is Filimanus hexanema which is in the waters of Java, Leptomelanosoma indicum or Senohong which is in the waters of the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific; from Pakistan to Indonesia, Parapolynemus verekeri which is in the waters of Northern Australia to southern Papua New Guinea, there is Polydactylus macrophthalmus which is in Indonesia, especially the waters of the Western Pacific, Polydactylus nigripinnis or commonly called Blackfin Kuro Fish, which is usually in the waters of northern Australia to southern Papua New Guinea. Merauke fishermen most likely look for it in the area.  

1.2 Kuroh Fish's Fish Maw

Kuro fish maw is also much sought after. However, the price is not as expensive as Gulama fish maw or Snapper fish. In some ecommerce that sells, the most expensive kuro fish maw is IDR 7.4 million per kilogram and is estimated to get 5pcs of dried fish maw. Can be calculated per unit for IDR 1,480,000, - . 

Kuro fish maw fish sold in ecommerce there are those who sell per kilogram to get 5 pcs, there are also those who sell 10 pcs, it is possible if this is due to differences in terms of the quality of the fish maw itself. For a good fish maw color is yellowish and for some parts a little blackish. It is not recommended to buy one that looks very clean because it could be that the fish maw is cleaned with bleach, so the advice that has been conveyed by several fishermen looking for fish maw.

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