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25 Jul 2024
Bg : John Doe

Duri Fish Fish Maw: Similar to Manyung Fish with a More Affordable Fish Maw Price

Duri Fish Fish Maw: Similar to Manyung Fish with a More Affordable Fish Maw Price

Ikan Duri, also known as Kedukang, Kedukan, Keropak, is similar to manyung fish commonly found in muddy coastal areas and river basins. This low-priced fish is medium-bodied, smooth and not scaly like catfish, with a length of approximately 45 cm. The head flattens flat towards the snout with three pairs of snouts; the longest pair of which is on the upper jaw, the tip reaching the middle of the pectoral fins or more. The dorsal fin and both pectoral fins are each with serrated, venomous spines or pegs. The fat fin on the back is medium-sized.

The upper side and sides of the body are dark gray-brownish or bluish, the lower side milky white, usually with silvery white, bluish, or greenish transverse stripes. All fins are dull blackish in color, only the soft part of the dorsal fin is light in color. For the thornfish itself, there is a habit of depositing eggs in the mouth by the male.

1.1 Duri Fish

Thornfish live in muddy seas close to shore and estuaries; often upstream of rivers down to the high tide line. It preys on invertebrates and small fish.

Duri fish are commonly sold and consumed fresh or marinated like manyung fish. In addition to being made into curry and pickled, duri fish can be fried and served as a side dish with warm rice. Salai duri fish in Bandar Lampung is often sold as baung salai, which is more expensive. Baung salai is fish that is dried and then smoked in the traditional way for 12 hours using coconut shells as a burner. Duri fish are caught using fishing rods or nets.

Fish maw thorn fish is often found, but the price is not too high because the selling value of the fish itself is relatively cheap. For thorn fish, it is usually bought near the coast of Jakarta and sometimes even reserved for people who don't have money. Fish maw duri fish has a low price compared to other fish maw fish that can be taken. Thorn fish per kilo costs only IDR 50-70 thousand. Duri fish has a fish maw for Rp 150 thousand for all sizes of fish maw. So it's almost the same as red snapper, puffer fish, and carp where the fish maw price is the same for all sizes. This is the cheapest fish maw of all fish that can be used as raw material for fish maw.

1.2 Fish Maw's Snack

However, this relatively cheap fish maw still has good content for the body. Although it is more often found to be made fish maw chips, thorn fish maw is suitable for those of us who want the same properties as fish with expensive fish maw but not heavy on the cost.

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